Nancy Walkins (1944-2020)
Maharishi International University is pleased to announce a new scholarship fund – the Nancy Watkins Memorial Fund – whose purpose is to support MIU international students.
Nancy Watkins was well known and beloved as the go-to problem solver for student visa issues by generations of international students.
Please support the Nancy Watkins Memorial Fund.
NOTE: Your gift will help MIU International students, but if you want to specify that it benefit students from a particular country and/or in a specific academic department, please state your preferences in the comments field on the donation form.
It is with great sadness, and with deep appreciation for her tremendous service to the University, that I share the news of the passing of our dear Nancy Watkins.
She was our International Student Advisor for almost 25 years. To generations of international students she was their guardian angel. She not only helped with the complexities of their visas, but she was also there as an advisor for every aspect of their lives.
She was a mother to each and every one of them. The walls of her office are covered with pictures of her students and the important events in their lives. She was always included in wedding invitations and birth announcements.
Her home and office are filled with gifts of appreciation from grateful students, staff, friends and everyone she blessed with her time and attention.
She was a devoted Governor of the Age of Enlightenment. She appreciated her program in the Dome and all of Maharishi’s precious gifts. She took advantage of every new package of knowledge as it was unfolded, and integrated them into her life.
She gave generously to those who needed her skills or support. She was truly a friend to all.
We will remember her always with love and appreciation.
President John