Dear Supporters of KHOE,

First of all, huge thanks for your financial support for KHOE over the years — so deeply appreciated.

As you know, KHOE World Radio has served the Fairfield community for more than 30 years now, presenting Maharishi’s knowledge along with a bountiful mix of music (global, classical, folk, jazz, contemporary, rock), good news from around the world, local news, and more — and all of this streaming worldwide at

KHOE has also served many of us — and has helped create harmony in our environment — by providing 24/7 Maharishi Gandharva Veda music appropriate to the time of day through its “sideband” channel directly to homes and offices equipped with special sideband receivers.

The vision of KHOE, since its formation as the separate non-profit Fairfield Educational Radio 30 years ago, was to make it a community service and community-supported radio station.

It has done admirably in its services.

But the burden of financial support all these years has fallen largely on MIU, along with some stalwart donors. The time has come for KHOE to stand on its own with your support.

So let’s now fulfill the initial vision by making KHOE a fully community-supported and operated station.

We request your active participation to achieve this goal. This can take the form of direct donations, fundraising among your like-minded friends and neighbors, or helping at the station.

We will also reconstitute the Fairfield Educational Radio Board to directly involve its major supporters in KHOE’s activities and planning.

The annual costs are not that high — about $30,000 annually, which includes the time and talent of the amazing Jimmy Moore, station director for the past several years (after sustaining KRUU for many years). And roughly half that amount continues to come in today from long-standing donors.

So please help keep the 30-year legacy of Heaven on Earth World Radio alive and flourishing. And thank you again for all you have already done.

Enlightened World Radio needs your continuing support now!

With my best wishes,

John Hagelin