PhD Migraine Research Study

Effect of the Transcendental Meditation® Technique on Migraine Intensity, Frequency, and Life Function: A Pilot Study.

Goal- To assess the effectiveness of the Transcendental Meditation technique as a treatment for Migraine.

Migraine constitutes the 2nd leading source of disability for people worldwide and is the single greatest source of disability for women under 50. In the US alone, more than 39 million people currently suffer from migraine. Drugs provide the leading treatment modality for migraine, but they don’t work for many people, are costly, and have negative side effects. Increasingly, migraine sufferers and neurologists are looking for non-pharmacological migraine treatments to supplement or replace pharmacological treatments.

This study will provide TM instruction to 30 participants aged 18 to 55 who experience 6-14 migraine days per month. They will practice TM twice daily and attend bi-weekly follow-up meetings. Throughout these three months, we will measure the frequency and intensity of migraines and their impact on functionality, with secondary outcomes focusing on stress levels and psychological health.This study will constitute the first scientific study on the effect of TM on migraine and it will provide a potential non-pharmaceutical option for migraine sufferers, improving their lives and contributing to the broader field of migraine management.

Thank you for your support of this important research.